Guest Appearance on Cosmic Cowboy Roaming the Weird West

Last year I had the pleasure of talking with a fellow seeker (and Albertan!) Cas Bullis who was wondering what it was like having a Podcast for a full time job. Eventually we set up a time for a video chat and what also transpired was that I agreed to appear on their podcast as well. Cut to four months later, and it finally happened! The conversation which we had was a glorious chat regarding taking advantage in crisis, feeling things out where you are and finding your own magic! Have a listen or a watch!

or Listen on Spotify!

Be sure to check out and subscribe to Cosmic Cowboy Roaming the Weird West on Spotify as well as on YouTube! Cas also runs Pivot Holistic Healing so if you’re curious, have a look there as well! Lastly- check out the Instagram and Facebook!

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