William Burroughs & Brion Gysin with Vic Hyland

Two figures who have changed the cultural and artistic landscape of the west, also happened to be great friends that inspired each other. One of them you most likely might have heard of. The other is virtually unknown these days. For a period of time, William Burroughs and Brion Gysin shared what they called “The Third Mind,” a collaborative process which saw both figures egging each other on to greater heights of inspiration and creativity. But what helped them during this process? Magic of course. For the first time ever in the Fools Gallery, we look at two artists in the same episode, and are joined by musician, author and Podcaster Vic Hyland!

Vic Hyland is a podcaster, musician, educator, NLP master practitioner, tarot reader, teacher of creative thinking techniques. His podcast Creative has been running for nearly five years and has interviewed many prominent creatives in numerous arenas of creative arts. His newest book Music, Magic and NLP not only teaches creative songwriting techniques that can be applied to any area of creative thinking but also demonstrates the creative process in itself. It is, one could say, a magical item. Visit Vic on Facebook, Instagram as well as YouTube and be sure to subscribe to Creative Podcast and support Vic on Patreon!

Show Notes

Vic wanted to share a few songs which were composed by using the Cut-Up method! Please listen and Enjoy! And be sure to follow Vic on Spotify!
Fever of LoveUgandaBody Crime

6 thoughts on “William Burroughs & Brion Gysin with Vic Hyland

  1. What ist that maroc trance inducing music called, Brion was into? I didn’t understand the word.

    Thank you for that great Episode. I work at a theater, later this year we will play the Black Rider by Burroughs. I will recommend this episode to the dramaturge. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Loved the episode! I highly recommend the Master Musician albums Apocalypse Across The Sky, Dancing Under The Moon, and Brian Jones Presents The Pipes of Pan

        If you’re interested in digging deeper into Moroccan trance music, theres the genre of Gnawa. Also this beautiful box set of field recordings by Burroughs’ friend Paul Bowles


        Liked by 1 person

  2. Some of my favorite of music, I’ve definitely heard some of this sampled by Clap! Clap!. Also reminds me of the head trip that Gamelan gives me. Love it! Also a killer episode! Thanks Doug!

    Liked by 1 person

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